Awaken your Authentic Magic.Find your freedom.​
Authentic Magic is an energetic signature comprising the frequencies of trust, unconditional love, and liberation. As you work with and invite Authentic Magic into your life — whether it's through an Akashic Records reading, a coaching session, or even a piece of Galactic Love pottery or art — you are connecting to and activating your heart-centered consciousness and aligning with your soul's path.
Hello and welcome! I'm Steph Struthers.
Transformational Life Coach | Intuitive | Artist
I help you discover the depth and fulfillment of the life your soul came here to lead.
Reunite with your soul gifts and innate wisdom. Remember yourself as a conscious co-creator of reality. And follow your unique internal guidance system to build a life of greater ease, flow, and presence.
Join me to uncover who you truly are beneath all the ways the world has taught you to be.
Arrive home into exquisite love and understanding of your own being.
Finally come alive and live the journey of your one wild and precious life!